Saturday, October 17, 2009

a week away

Last week in Philiadelphia, I visited the clay studio.  It is a big city clay studio.  They do an amazing job.  However, I was just a little taken aback at how "rule oriented"  the place seemed to be. I guees that is what's needed in a studio and gallery of such large size.  Also, it seemed like atmospheric kilns  were something that the studio and many of the artists there just didn't do - Surprising to me, though it probably shouldn;t have been.

Backat home, I'm feeling like I need to push the projected firing of my kiln back till after the holidays.  The pressure of finishing the kiln, making a body of work, and coordinating a firing - all before christmas - seems kind of like an unescessary challenge. 

Also, the arched grate bars that I cast didn't work at all.  I'm going to use arch bricks to create arched firebox grates....

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